Thursday, June 21, 2012

Speak Your Mind

"...s0mEtimEs y0u hAvE s0mEthing y0u nEEd t0 sAy, but y0u cAn’t, cAusE thE w0rds w0n’t cOmE out…
or y0u gEt scArEd aNd fEEL stuPid…
s0mE of uS wiLL nEvEr bE abLE t0 sAy whAt wE’rE thiNKing…
oR whAt wE wAnt othEr pE0pLE t0 kn0w wE’rE thiNKing…
    s0 wE’LL nEvEr bE abLE t0 gEt thE chAncE t0 mAkE thiNgs riGht…"

r0ry - giLm0re girLs



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